
Mining equipment breakdowns can bring production to a dead stop. At Oregon Induction, we understand that.

Whether you need to heat treat sprockets or saw arbors, we process a wide variety of timber equipment ensuring that you have parts that are more durable.


Oregon Induction + Thermal is the premier heat treatment
services facility in the western United States, servicing
a broad cross-section of industries.

We are the leading induction services provider in the Western United States.

At Oregon Induction, quality is a prerequisite to the game. Over decades, we have refined our quality control processes to the point that no matter what part is heat treated, we can deliver consistent and reliable quality. This coupled with the fact that our facility is open 7 days a week, allows us to deliver our reliable quality on your deadline.

Everything we do everyday is focused on ensuring that your parts perform and last longer. Our 4 part extreme quality process begins when the product arrives where each batch is inspected for quality and then continues during treatment, upon completion and again before shipping. This saves our customers material costs, minimizes breakdowns & downtime and increases durability of their parts.

Have questions? Feel free to contact us with your heat treat questions.